Scotiabank lowered shares of Mountain Province Diamonds (TSE:MPVD) from a sector perform rating to an underperform rating in a research report report published on Monday morning, BayStreet.CA reports. Scotiabank currently has C$0.25 price objective on the stock, down from their prior price objective of C$1.75.
Separately, BMO Capital Markets lowered shares of Mountain Province Diamonds from an outperform rating to a market perform rating and lowered their price objective for the company from C$1.50 to C$0.50 in a research report on Monday, March 23rd.
Shares of MPVD opened at C$0.32 on Monday. The company has a current ratio of 2.85, a quick ratio of 0.64 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 85.89. The firm has a market cap of $71.53 million and a PE ratio of -1.54. The company’s 50 day simple moving average is C$0.77 and its 200-day simple moving average is C$1.08. Mountain Province Diamonds has a 12-month low of C$0.31 and a 12-month high of C$1.65.
Mountain Province Diamonds Inc, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, focuses on the mining and marketing of rough diamonds worldwide. The company's primary asset is its 49% interest in the Gahcho Kué project comprising four mining leases covering an area of approximately 10,353 acres located in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
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